Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No Week, Voice Thread

I just got an email from Connie that included this site in the samples of text editing she had included. Voice Thread: http://www.voicethread.com/ I went and explored. It has so many possibilities in many classes and especially in language or foreign language classes. Here are some of the thoughts that I will cut and paste from her sample in my email. I am too lazy to retype them.

http://dejongsplace.blogspot.com/2007/06/week-3-thing-6-plus-curriculum.htmlCWilliams I just heard about a great new site from one of the 2.0 participants! This one can mix photos with voices. There are a MILLION things you could do with this in the classroom and library - Here's my first "out of the bag" thoughts:1. oral history - post a photo and have people comment on what it means to them [ a photo of classmates, a building, an event, a family....]2. Language Arts - reading poetry as in the example on the tutorial, book talking and showing the cover of the book, putting on an action video and describing the action.3. a power point presentation - each slide could have the accompanying voice over.Here's the site: http://www.voicethread.com/

I can imagine the usage to prepare students for the oral or quick response part of the foreign language AP tests. It gives me, as the teacher, the chance to concentrate on the verbal aspects of their speech. It helps with pronunciation. There will be another value apparent as they become accustomed to speaking into a microphone. I am grateful to Connie and CWilliams.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This IS a fun application, isn't it? I like your idea of how you can use it with your AP language students. After they each make their own video, you can critique it AND they can critique each others!

I do hope that you can keep getting to Trail of the Giants - I'd hate to take a trip there only to discover that the sign has fallen down! Congratulations to your graduate too!